Exercise Tips & Ideas

Exercise does not have to be hard and just simply frustrating. It can be adjusted to fit anyone needs, even children’s. The type of exercise you do can vary depending on the season.  Here are some creative exercise ideas specific for each of the four seasons that will not only keep you moving, but laughing too!


SPRING Into Motion!                        mdnbf

 Who does not love spring weather? It is perfect because it gives you the opportunity to get outside and get active. Try a few of these ideas to get you ready for summer.


  • If you can, try walking or riding your bike to school instead of driving.

  • After dinner, go for a walk, this helps improve digestion and will help you get a better nights sleep.

  • Get the kids involved and grow a garden with them. Have them pick a few items and help them plant them.

  • If it is a rainy spring day, try staying active inside. It is okay to watch television, but do a few jumping jacks, sit-ups, or even push-ups during the commercials.


Get Active With SUMMER!

Summer means school is out and plenty of sunshine! Encourage your children to get outside and be active this summer. Not only is being outside in the sunshine relaxing, but it is a great source of Vitamin D as well. Show your children great ways to get active in the summer and do it with them. Here are a few ideas to help you help them:


  • Go for a walk and bring the dog too, making it a social and physical event.

  • Ride bike with each other, aim for at least 3x’s a week.

  • Take up a new sport-a great way to meet new people while getting active.

  • Buy sidewalk chalk and have the children draw hopscotch obstacles with it, then test them out.

  • Hit the trails and go hiking. This is the perfect family event and a terrific calorie burner. To keep them engaged, have the kids identify different  animals and plants they find along the way.

  • Go swimming, whether its your pool, local pond or lake, and even a sprinkler in your back lawn. 

  • Ask the neighbors to join in on a game of tag, kickball, or baseball.

  • If its a rainy day, get on your rubber boots and go puddle jumping! You could also stay inside and play Wii Fit or create a dance party.


Don’t FALL Behind, Go!

It is back to school time! Now that your schedule has picked up you much busier and time is limited to exercise. Do not forget to get active, make time to still fit it in your day. Here are a few ways to do so…


  • After the homework is done, get outside and do something active.

  • It’s too dark outside to play now? Okay, pop in a children’s yoga or fitness DVD and get moving!

  • Before school, take the dog for a walk or simply do laps around your house.

  • Again, try walking or biking to school if possible.


WINTER Is Here…                    ndfb

Winter can make exercising difficult due to the snow and icy condition’s outside. Most of your exercise during this season may be indoors, but getting outside is still an option!


  • Go sledding, this can burn tremendous calories from walking to the top of the hill. 

  • You may not be able to walk or jog with your dog if the sidewalks are icy, but chasing your pet around the lawn in the snow can be fun for the both of you.

  • Go to the local sports complex and go for a walk or even play a sport.

  • Find those ice skates you packed away last winter and go to the local ice skating rink.

  • Going shopping? Do a few extra laps around the mall to burn some extra calories.

  • Household chores can surprisingly be a great way to burn calories as well. So give yourself and the kids a small list, turn on some music, and everyone can have a good time and a clean house.


These are great ways for adults and children to get physically active together. Remember an hour a day or on most days is recommended for children, and it can be accomplished in every season of the year. So no more excuses, and do not forget to have fun with getting fit. Creativity and variety are key to sticking with exercise, especially with children.


Staying active during every season promotes a healthy lifestyle and helps to prevent childhood obesity!


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