Children & Obesity

Are you obese or know someone who is?

Obesity is a serious  medical condition and should be taken with precaution. Obesity means that an individual has an excessive amount of body fat that is considered unhealthy according to their height. Height plays a large role in determining if one is obese. For instance, two people could weigh the same exact amount and have different heights, yet one could be classified as obese and the other may not.

So how do you know when being overweight transitions into obesity? Classifications of weight are determined based on body mass index(BMI). Body mass index is a number calculated using a person’s height and weight. It is used to determine the amount of body fat a person has. Body mass index can be an indicator for the risk of health complications one may face. The higher the BMI the more at risk the individual is for health complications.


                 This chart illustrates the categories of body mass index:



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When a child is obese they put themselves at a higher risk for many health complications. Since children who are obese are likely to enter adulthood obese, the severity of the health complications they are at risk for increase substantially. Such health issues are cancer, heart disease, type II diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, stroke, and the possibly more too.


Obesity is also related to the occurrence of various types of cancer. Accoring to NY Daily and the Associated Press, “1 in 12 cases of cancer are a result of obesity.”  Individuals who are obese tend to have increased stomach acid levels, hormonal imbalances, and increased estrogen production. Each factor contributes to the formation of cancer within the body.

Heart Disease: 

“The increase risk for heart disease is caused by the build up of fatty plaque in the arteries, which accumulates due to elevated consumption of foods containing significant amounts of saturated and trans fat.” (Center For Disease Control)

Type II Diabetes:

An increased amount of fat tissue causes decreased insulin sensitivity. This decrease in sensitivity makes the body create more insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. Released by fat cells is a protein, which causes type 2 diabetes in an individual. The protein then travels into the bloodstream and causes insulin resistance. Overall, the more fat cells one has, the higher risk they are at for type 2 diabetes.

Osteoporosis/Bone Problems:

The excess weight obese individuals have, puts significant pressure on their bones and joints. The pressure cause joints to rub together, depleting cartilage, and the bones begin to rub together. Osteoarthritis is a very painful condition.


Being obese means one has an abundant amount of body fat. The extra fat needs blood to be pumped to it as well to provide it with energy and remove its waste. This extra work forces the heart to pump harder, causing high blood pressure.


When an individual is obese, the fat accumulation restricts oxygen flow throughout the entire body, especially the arteries. When the arteries become blocked with fatty plauqu, blood carrying oxygen can no longer reach the brain, causing a stroke to occur. By increasing exercise and decreasing cholesterol to healthy levels, one can limit the risk of experiencing a stroke.


It Does Not End There…

Obese children are also very susceptible to developing emotional and social issues as well. Children who grow up obese are likely to face anxiety, self-esteem, and social problems due to bullying and discrimination they may experience in school and at home too. Typically when people are taunted about their weight issues, they instantly feel degraded and  intimidated. Children especially are more vulnerable to this treatment than any other age group and are likely to experience the harsh side effects of this twice as much. Realizing the extent to which children are affected by being obese at a young age is crucial to intervening and preventing the leading causes right away.

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