Eat & Drink To Perform


Before engaging in any sort of physical activity its imoprtant to know the basic of what to eat and drink before, during, and after exercise. Each are very important to ensuring that children perform their best. What we put into our bodies determines how it will make us feel. Consuming nutrient dense foods and beverages will enable a child to feel their best and perform their best. On the other hand, when children eat empty calorie options, they will feel empty and most likely will be more sluggish and less likely to engage in physical activity. Knowing this, its crucial that adults help fuel children to always feel and perform their best. 


So here are a few things to remember when fueling your body for a workout:



A pre-activity snack or meal should be something low-fat and low-fiber. It should also be moderinate in carbohydrates and protein. Also do not forget the fluid-this is essential for any lifestyle! 

A few snack or meal ideas for BEFORE EXERCISE are:

               -Low-fat yogurt with granola
 -Fruits and vegetables
  -Serving of Mixed Nuts
                                   -Whole-wheat grilled chicken sandwich
-Brown rice with tofu

 * Remember not to fill up on large portions just before exercising, which can slow you down.*


 It is important to drink plenty of fluids during exercise. Water is perfect for keeping the body hydrated and does not allow the body to reach high levels of temperature, which can occur in the case of dehydration.You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of exercise.

Sports drinks are perfect for those engaging in intense activity for at least an hour. Sports drinks contain electrolytes , like sodium and potassium, which are lost when through sweating that replenish the muscles and keep them energized. The feeling of fatigue can be a result of loss of fluid and electrolytes. 

*Watch out for sports drinks that contain high amounts of sugar, which can cause you to be more thirsty. Also only consume sports drinks if your engaging in intense level activity for longer than an hour. Otherwise, you may consume additional calorie and end up gaining weight in response. This is when water would be a better option.



Afterwards, refueling your body is similar to the before and during workout out recommendations. Remember to eat moderate amounts of carbohydrates and protein. Do not forget that excessive intake of protein can contribute to fat storage. Also getting plenty of fluids is vital. 


*It is also recommended for children to get at least 5-8 cups of water each day, aside form the fluid consumed through food.*

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