Getting Started

Everyone knows that incorporating activity into the daily routine can be very difficult at times! Understanding the importance and health benefits exercise offers should really motivate you to do it. What if does not though? Okay, for you adults wanting to get your children more active or if you yourself would like to be, let me explain how to get motivated.


Starting any exercise program is never easy, UNLESS you enjoy it. With that said, you have to learn to like exercise in order to stick with it. Making exercise fun and being creative with it is a perfect way to keep keep you active. So if you love sports, get outside and play your favorite one. If you enjoy running around, why not invite friends over for a game of tag? Wait, you do not like to run? Simple,  play catch with Fido or climb a tree. The point is, exercise does not have to be strenuous or hard, it will be whatever you make of it. So take a positive approach towards getting physically active so your children, or children like you, will be more inclined to make it a habit.


Feeling sluggish, just cannot get off that couch? That’s okay we can fix that. Parents, this is where it is your responsibility to encourage your children to be active. Ask them to go outside and play or find something inside that will keep them busy and moving. Joining your children outdoors or indoors in any activity is perfect and will keep them from getting distracted. If you ask them to go for a walk to burn some calories, join them! Having someone to exercise with can motivate them and make them want to work harder. Not only is it beneficial for your child, but you as well! Also this is a great opportunity to bond with your child, which may make them want to exercise with you all the time. So give your child exercise ideas, encouragement, support, and join them! Their health is mainly in your hands, just remember that…


Video games, cell phones, computers, and television. Technological devices are the primary cause of children leading sedentary lifestyles. It is completely healthy to use these devices and most people do, but when excessive hours of the day are spent using these items is the true problem. These devises typically do not require involvement to use and actually promote being inactive. Children who spend multiple hours using these devices do not end up burning the calories they consume throughout the day, therefore, they end up gaining weight. Like anything else, use technological devises in moderation. Focus on balancing time spent sedentary and time spent exercising. Step by step you can reach a healthier you, but that is up to you!


When Getting Physically Active, Remember This!


       First, take a positive approach. Make exercise creative and enjoyable for them. Show them it  can be fun and they will be likely to keep with it.jfkjdf


Attention adults, children look up to you and want to follow in your footsteps. So encourage them to be physically active and join them along the way.                                                                                                                                    


Put down the video game, walk away from the television, stop playing computer games for extended periods of time. Do not be sedentary all of the time, get active too! It is okay to be sedentary throughout the day, but make sure you incorporate physical activity in there too!


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